Dog Rehoming & Veteran Assistance Services

Kodi's Korner Logo
A photo of a group of dogs of different breeds and sizes


Actively Rescuing Dogs and Pets from Abandoned, Abusive and Neglectful Situations.

Sadly, we live in a world where it's easier to discard what we no longer want. We open our doors to these loving animals, with the mission to find a forever home for them or train certain rescues, as needed, for our disabled vets.
Dog is looking up at a blue ball that is in the air

Training and Relocation:

Whether it's finding a new forever family, foster home, or chosen to be trained as a support or service animal for disabled vets, it all comes down to hard work! We are constantly growing and expanding. More space is needed for training. More housing, staff and volunteers will be welcomed!

Auction Liquidation Services

A photo of a person holding a dog in a forest setting
You read that right! We have several ways to raise the needed funding for our rescues health and welfare. One of our favorite ways is through estate and commercial liquidation. Whether it's a forgotten attic or over stuffed basement, an estate downsizing or a overdue clean out....we have you covered! From residential clean out and total content removal to commercial downsizing and business liquidation closings.

All donations are used to further our mission with all proceeds to help build, shelter and care for our animals.

Contact us for more information or to set an appointment call or text

Visit our auctions current, past and future by following the link below!
Auction Liquidation